Sunday, August 24, 2014

Blog Post 1

I have heard the number one thing about this class, EDM310, is that it requires a lot of work and time. I was unaware that it was a nine hour class, but I am wiling to put in the time for the class. The number one thing people tell me about the class is never to fall behind with the work. Hopefully I will manage my time well throughout the semester and stay ahead of all the work.
I do well working with others for projects as well as class work. This is my first semester at the South Alabama so everything is still very new to me but I am catching on very fast. I have taken computer classes before where we used smart boards and other varieties of media, but this class I expect will be very different and more than likely harder than the others classes I have taken. I will have to take more notes and pay attention to my fullest for EDM310.
I do not have any questions now about the class, but looking at the syllabus I can assure you I will have plenty later on. I am anxious to what I will learn in the class, and the people I will meet at USA and around the world.

Pac Man eating positive working  ideas


  1. Good blog post, try and be as thorough as possible when writing blog posts! If you need any help this semester, we are happy to answer any questions you may have. Welcome to south and good luck this semester!!

  2. Macy, keeping on top of things is also a worry of mine. I have pretty decent time management skills when it comes to getting things done. I also was unaware it would require 9 hours a week to finish work in this course. I feel that as long as I stay on top pf everything and don't fall behind all should be fine. Upon signing up for this class my adviser warned me that if you fall behind it will be extremely hard to catch up. I fine the checklist master to be very helpful when managing all the due dates and assignments. Hope this semester goes by as smoothly as possible for all of us.
